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Saturday, December 18, 2010

why now? duck and cover?

Americans are not fools---most of the time.  Facing the morning posts, we are told how best to survive a nuclear event.  North Korea and Iran and other make that event more than a possibility.  The ilusion is to avoid.  The reality is real.

Those elected reflect the policy that silence is better than--truth.  It is not so.

This site begins a wakeup call....to those ideas and reality omitted by the media because of the possible reaction of you!

Like oil prices that should be an would be $18.00 a barrell if we but threatend withdrawing the umbrella of defense to the kingdoms of wealth, we are raped in the pockets, bankrupted and now threatened with weapons of mass destruction while the left wing president accomplishes his mission to destroy the very essence of the Nation.

Scarred, you ought to be in fear because the consequences are at the door.